Peter Msoffe, BVM, MVSc, PhD - Dr. Msoffe is co-investigator for the research at Sokoine University of Agriculture, in Morogoro, Tanzania. He has investigated phenotypes, including immunocompetence and natural disease resistance in local chicken ecotypes of Tanzania. He has used microsatellite markers to establish the genetic relatedness of the local chickens in Tanzania. His research has indicated that the local chicken ecotypes in Tanzania that appeared phenotypically different were also genetically diverse. Using this knowledge he tested the potential of the local birds being resistant against Newcastle disease using ND vaccine. Dr. Msoffe has also researched genetics of disease resistance. Owing to his previous endeavors he will combine his knowledge in poultry diseases and immunogenetics to tackle the current research program.

Amandus Pachificus Muhairwa, BVM, PhD - Dr. Muhairwa leads the program research at Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania. He has nearly twenty years of experience researching animal diseases in Tanzania. He has studied and supervised a number of projects dealing with control of poultry diseases in both commercial and local free ranging chickens in Tanzania.