Event 2022-10-04: The Newcastle Disease Prevention and Control Workshops in Morogoro, Tanzania
Three workshops were organized at the Sokoine University of Agriculture in NDV prevention and control, emphasizing NDV vaccination, Biosecurity measures, and outbreaks investigation and response. The workshop provided training to a core group of trainers from the UoG and SUA who will deliver the training workshops to agriculture and veterinary extension agents in May 2023. Select private and government sector partners, including poultry breeders, smallholder producers, and veterinarians, were invited to participate in the training of trainers’ workshop to extend the benefits of the training outside of the core group of trainers as well as to solicit feedback on the content and delivery in advance of delivering the workshops next year.
The workshop served as a vehicle for engaging partners, strengthening collaborations with government partners, and engaging women in poultry chains and NDV prevention and control.
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