News 2021-05-18: Global Agriculture Innovations Forum: Genetic Innovation in Livestock and Fisheries

The USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service and Purdue University’s Office of International Programs in Agriculture hold global food system innovation Forum. Dr. Lamont, Distinguished Professor, Iowa State University and the Genomics to Improve Poultry partner, spoke on “the genetic innovations in poultry.” She discussed the important role of poultry in global food security and how genomics can be used to help develop healthy, productive, and climate‐resilient poultry.
Dr. Lamont shared an example of the GIP project’s application of developing a genomics platform to characterize the local biodiversity of African chicken ecotypes. This platform will be used to select and breed local chickens with improved resilience to Newcastle disease and heat stress. https://youtu.be/ESkAJfOrx_k